Highlights included ; The backup singers , who were very strong all night . Measha Breuggergosman raising the standard of the evening all round and Ron Hynes' guitar ( and voice ) , which sounded like Beethoven was playing it from the wings .
There was also a woman that resembled Cate Blanchett and played the trumpet while marching in place . Needless to say , I was smitten . She was , and they were , fantastic .
Classified was really good . I mean , dope .
And I love d the whole Tribute section , especially Doris Mason's Dream a Little Dream , Ashley destroying convention and Stuart Camerons infectious love of playing .
Mary Walsh was effing HI- larious , and looked real good too .
Lottsa good performances.
There must have been something wrong ...? Oh , right . CBC has got to do something about the Broadcast sound . IT IS NOT THEIR STRONG POINT ( like me and fashion , apparently , according to some local yokel ...saucy little mall rat ) . They go to great expense and effort to produce a great live show and it is somehow sucked LIFELESS by the time it airs . Our bit alone was missing the keyboards , COMPLETELY . And of course the drums and bass have all the sturm und drang of a popcorn fart .
Things got a little better for the In Flight Safety crew , but by then it was the last song of the night and they had two keyboards to try and fill it out .Wise move .
So , yeah . You had to be there .