Heads up Australia ! Attention , Victoria . Hang about , Queensland . Spare change ? , New South Wales . And , of course , ... show us your map of Tassie . Ahem .
Joel Plaskett is in/ on his way to OZ for a month of shows ( alas solo ) ....( good name for a record , me finks ) all over the east and south . He'll be touring with Tim Freedman , and others we'll figure out soon .
He'll be working hard and will be down under for his third trip within 18 months or so . Almost feel sorry for him . But it's minus 11 today , so I don't .
The band had a great tour last spring with Augie March and you can relive all the excitement in the march , 2007 , archives of this very organ .
Catch him if you can and Canadia will be caught .