Below is a post from Willie's first visit and my jet lagged jump straight from the airport into rock and roll cruise control.
pS. Willie's been doing Nowhere With You in his shows sometimes and looks like Joel will be up for a tune ce soir, Also, young punks Gloryhound, soon to be found all over the new True Love Rules album , will rock out a few they've been working on with the Jewel of the Nile himself.
Monday, July 20, 2009

Nile played the Carleton in Halifax last night and he was flippin'
amazing . Great songwriter . I know because we made it to the show ;
straight from the 7 am lobby call in Surrey to the 8 pm arrival at
Stanfield International . Wasn't a whole lot left in the gas tank after
the weekend and a great show at the Surrey festival but Willie summoned
the reserve out of us with two highly entertaining sets . Bit of rockin'
guitar , bit of piano , whole lotta talent , it was fab . Nice work
from Robbie Crowell too . Big props to Mike Campbell for his inspired
booking .