Honestly , what happened ?
Gwen Stefani used to be like everyone else . Like one of us , only better . The great white haired hope . Everybody knew someone just like her , only not as good .You were like , yup , I get it ... No doubt , so-cal ska , bubbly not fizzy .... probably loves the Stones and Tom Waits too . God Bless her .
But now ? She's like some freezed dried , robo - trollop , sucked into the same infotainment machine that spits out the same ol ' insider crap . You know what I'm talking about . No need to name names . And what 's with the songs ? And those lil' oompahs that follow her around ? It's not glam , it's tack . Call the cops , they've stolen her brain . It's like Rod Stewart never happened .
I know exactly what you mean. I still enjoy listening to Tragic Kingdom, but I can't stand anything I hear on the radio by her now.
wow that is so funny b/c just a few hours ago i was watching her perform something on tv and thought, when did she get so weird? her newest song is AWFUL
I know , she needs her band back . We all ned our bands back .
Saw her on Letterman 'tother night and...it was no very good . The fake rhthym section didnae help much but despite all her real singing / yodelling the song was just pish posh .
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