Saturday, July 28, 2007

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Dartmouth rocks .
Thanks to Jenn Grant and her band , brother Pete Elkas and the Elkaholics , and Gordy ' Tex ' Johnson for making friday night a real gas . Also thanks to Pat ' Partick ' Dooley for wrangling the hellacious cacophony let loose on the stage . And Phil , for bringing his lovely sister .
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Q ; Who likes football ( soccer ) ? A ; Who doesn't !
Exactly . Well , now is the time to join the JPE sanctioned fantasy football league , The Glorious Life . Thrilling saturday mornings spent wondering what the hell's going on 5000 kilometres away . In far off , exotic places like , Bolton , Fulham , and , the wind whispers her name .... Sunderland . Bring in your friends and choose and trade players with Joel Plaskett Emergency punning names . Like .... my manager is Tottenham's Martin Jol . Y' know , clever shit like that .
End of the year winner gets something , anything . But everyone will be a winner because they don't call it the Beautiful Game for nothing ( except those dreary tuesday night second leg Inter toto cup replays , we hate them ) . Don't worry if you don't know your Liverpools from your Evertons , just close your eyes and pick the dudes with the funniest name . Or click ' auto pick ' .
Ok , so go to http://fantasy.premierleague.com/ > > > Once you have logged in and entered your team, click on the 'Leagues' link you can find on the the right of the page. Now enter the code 177623-66030 to join the private league: The Glorious Life.
Monday, July 16, 2007

Have no fear though , these three tools here are bringing the rock and roll party to the people at an un secret location on the Dartmouth waterfront this friday @ 10 pm . Also appearing will be the sultry PETE ELKAS and the ELKAHOLICS and the lovely Jenn Grant plus various party crashers . So get out yer Jethro Clampett outfits and spike that Red Bull you bought at Needs , there's a party going on around here .
ALDERNEY LANDING , Darkness , N.S. , 10 pm

Friday, July 13, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
The band and special guests Gordy Johnson and Mr. Chill .
We didnae get a chance to see many acts but we did catch Lahey and it were grand !
Thursday, July 05, 2007

Here we see Joel in a scene from Otto Premingers classic 1947 film , " Where The Hell is Everyone ? " .
Check out JOEL solo today , Friday July 6 , and three shows tomorrow Sat . July 7 , at the WINNIPEG FOLK FESTIVAL .