Friday, December 25, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009

The EMERGENCY's 10th Anniversary has gone nearly unnoticed by one and all ; we'd be remiss not to reminisce a bit for ol' tymes sake , eh ? We'll be posting some photos from throughout the years ( Those hardscrabble years ... when we never knew where our next buy-out was coming from ! When you slept three in a room ! Instead of two ) . That's all in the past now . Now , one can sit back and savour the rewards of hard work and determination from the comforts of home , and look back with satisfaction at a job well done . And forward , to a job tomorrow morning painting Steph's folks condo . Dig the memories .
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Dinner and drinks with Miniature Tim --- ' have you been here before ? ' The Delta check -in --- Yes , this is easily my 50th visit --- you are on the 23rd floor the view is exquisite --- sound check at the Horseshoe seven o clock --- Crown Royal are playing ,those cats know how to rock ---cake and a Keiths ---dark and dirty's the gear ---fly home in the fog , hope we do it next year .
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 02, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
MIND YOUR VOLUME's a little hot , this one . The Cause Of Many Troubles by Dave Marsh ( Joel Plaskett Emergency ) and The True Love Rules , live at Donstock IV , (The Joel Plaskett Emergency played both Donstock I and Donstock II ) with Emergency bassist Chris Pennell on percussion , somewhere in there. We'll see everyone at theDeep Roots Festival in bucolic Wolfville , this coming thursday . This gig will feature Anna and Rose .
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
at UPEI and Dalhousie Uni , Thursday and Friday , Sept .09 /10 . These may be Student ID only shows so call or check online with them . Great shows at both Uni's this week , glad everyone came out .
Dave Marsh and the True Love Rules( Dawn Negus and Paul Boudreau ) play Lunenburg this Tuesday night ,
Thanks to Michael Best and Eva from Rum Runners for a real cool time . Don't know about Christmas day but every tuesday should be one spent in beautiful Lunenburg having a lobster dinner across the street from the Bluenose on a gorgeous summer evening . Invite us back !
But EVERYONE is invited to the Harvest Jazz and Blues fest Wednesday , Sept .16 in Fredericton as well as the Deep Roots Festival , Acadia Uni , Wolfville , Thursday Sept. 24 .
Also congratulations to Joel and Dave for their Music Nova Scotia nominations . Rave on .
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Thu, Aug. 20th
Union Hall Performance, Bell House/Union Hall
Brooklyn, New York
also ; Dave Marsh and The True Love Rules , with special guests , Matt Murphy and Dawn Negus , will be performing at Baba's Lounge , Charlottetown , PEI , Monday , August 24 , to kick off the Close to the Coast Festival , 10 pm .
Thanks to everyone in PEI for a right good laff . And to Matt Murphy for the Ipod road game , " Steal ! " .
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Then , there were rumours of Donstock ...
Monday, July 20, 2009

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Saturday, July 04, 2009
Thursday, July 02, 2009

Tuesday night , Saint John , you were great . One and a half hours sleep . Epic performance by Mardeen .
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
third time he's mentioned Joel .
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Opener .....the mesmerizing memory of TOM SMITH , for them that likes their original punk rock ( Stanglers , Joy Division , Doors ) served as cover tunes on a Taylor acoustic and a karmonikazoo ( early start 8:15 , NOT to be missed . Money Back Guarantee ) .
Followed by the Mitch and Mickey- like country stylings of Dawny and Dave , this weeks offers are John Prine and Emmylou Harris/Steve Earle ...... and finally, segueing nicely into a 3 piece DAVE MARSH AND THE TRUE LOVE RULES set of new tunes , including ; The New Laura Stein , The Cause of Many Troubles Is Me , and I Manipulated .
Steve Rolston will make an appearance with ' rainin' On Me ' .
ALL BETWEEN 8;15 AND 11 PM , $8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, June 04, 2009
... AND June 30 , with all our friends in St.John , NB .
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Ana Egge performs Talco Girl by Steve James . After the success's of Massey Hall in Toronto , La Sala Rosa in Montreal , Bronson Centre in Ottawa , and The Rebecca Cohn and Fleet Club in the dirty old town of Halifax herself , the tour lands gracefully with a late night singsong and sponge bath ( some lugubrious liquor ) at Tribeca . Ana was the first to get up and get down . Check it out .
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The audience was beautiful , ready to listen , and ready to rock . So many friends , as with all TO shows . A grand introduction from Jeff Cohen was only topped by his , and Tara's , invitation to unwind afterwards at their pad . Which we did , along with many others . Back to the Delta at a million o clock and straight to the Campbell y Joliffe show on floor 26 .
Thanks to Paul ( `s Boutique ) Babiak for saving the day when the bass pedal exploded during You Let Me Down . Shame , had to abandon the maraca .
And thanks to everyone for making the shows in Ottawa and Monteal just as note worthy as Massey was . Thank you Barbarella`s . Thanks Lamp . Thanks Cuccina on St. Laurent . Thanks Bronson Centre . Thanks La Sala Rosa . Thanks JPE Nation .
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Meanwhile back at the ranch , what a rocking time was had at Tribeca 'tother night . It was the closest CBGB's vibe I've felt since ... cbgb's ? Nah , the Marz bar was better . ... more like the Double Deuce on Hollis with a dash of Flamingo stage 1 ( Grafton ) . Tom Smith got so excited when we joined him on stage for Warsaw that he popped 2 strings on his fancy new Taylor acoustic . I lent him mine and he blew our minds with the original composition , Long Sleeves . The Skank Williams were next . Adorably fantastic . Then Dawn and Dave with I Remember You by Steve Earle , and on to The True Love Rules ; 3 piece , dead simple , new danelectro pedal , step ... 1 , 2 , 3 , and boom ... newbies , ' I Manipulated ' , ' We Don't Belong ', and ' Wide Boy ' . Rolly topped the evening off , joining the band onstage where we blew the lid off with his ' Raining On Me ' , Steve Jones style . Zwick did a great job FOH . Late night come down drink , home to bed . Magic .
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Hard Drinker
Loyal Husband
Devoted Father (to a rotten son)
Opry Legend
Never-to-be-Equalled Billboard Chart Record Holder
Incredible Guitar Player
Crusader for Children's Rights
Son of a Bitch
Member of Seven Halls of Fame
Snappy Dresser
Former Bootlegger
Trick Rider
Worst Toupee Ever
Hank Snow
Still Movin On
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Saturday, April 04, 2009

Day 2 ; Precious , Precious , Precious and Lazy Bones are saddled , and Pine , Pine , Pine falls right in line .
Day 1 ; there's much work to be done but now it's begun , coming along nicely ( what else ? ) , Gone , Gone , Gone and Run , Run , Run .
Not long now and Joel hits the road with father Bill , Rose and Ana , and fills any cracks in the country with his hearty musical soup . If you have the opportunity , step out and take it in . It's going to be a genuine whistle stop from Esquimalt through the Canadian Rockies in a Buster Keaton-like rail ride across the prairies to the east where the sun rise back lights the old home . Handkerchiefs will wave and local guys and gals will reluctantly part with meltwater filling up their bootprints . Spring will blossom once again under the feet of all our compatriots and you'll be pressing the ticket stubs between pages in the book of love . Rock on . mmm , good wine .
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
SLOAN with Dave Marsh's True Love Rules this friday night , The Grawood , Dalhousie Uni . That turned out to be a grand night all round . Unusual number of handcuffs and arrests but most remained at liberty and had a real cool time . Sloan were on fine form ; some nice hardcore slams and a rocking visit from Patricks pop on keys . Radio MRCH broadcasted all night from the merch pavillion with hype man Kevin ( Skip Lowe ) Hilliard divining the 50/50 draw .
The True Love Rules also laid down a bitchin' 8 song chicken dinner with the hotness supplied by the ladies of Skank Williams on Move You Around . Magic !
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Friday, March 06, 2009

Dave Marsh's True Love Rules are pleased to be rocking the opening slot for long time pals Sloan , Friday March 27 Dalhousie and Saturday March 28 , Sydney , Smooth Herman's . Check them out in Toronto , Saturday , March 14 , The Rivoli 11pm ,The Horseshoe , 3 AM ! ( Although it seems the Rivoli show is ' industry type showcase thang ' , but you can talk your way into anything ,right ? )
Chris Pennell will be playing with Jeff Gay and Special Blends at Tribeca sunday , March 8.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Showcase Schedule:
SATURDAY March 14th, 2009
Venue: Horseshoe Tavern 370 Queen St. West 416 598 4753On-stage at: 3:10 AM
SATURDAY March 14th, 2009
Venue: Rivoli 334 Queen St. W. 416 596 1908On-stage at: 11:00 PM
Joel Plaskett solo shows across Canada ;
21 April The Confederation Centre, Charlottetown PEI22 April The Playhouse Theatre, Fredericton NB23 April The Imperial Theatre, Saint John NB24 April The Capitol Theatre, Moncton NB02 May The Cobalt Classic Theatre, Cobalt ON05 May The West End Cultural Centre, Winnipeg06 May The Distrikt, Regina, SK07 May Knox United Church, Calgary AB09 May The Vogue Theatre, Vancouver BC10 May The Alix Goolden Performance Hall, Victoria BC12 May Habitat, Kelowna BC13 May Pavilion Theatre, Kamloops BC14 May MacDougall United Church, Edmonton AB15 May The Broadway Theatre, Saskatoon SK
Friday, February 20, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 02, 2009

It's a Winter Dance Party ! minus the aircraft .
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Heavy time last night , band was on ,fun had by all . Still plenty of space left for tonight's reminder of what rock and roll is all about . How goooood is Up and Running ..?
Advance tickets available at Tribeca
Tues-sat 11:30am - 2 am 492 4036 Friday is looking to be sold out soon , but Saturday still has tickets . Also the downstairs bar is no cover and you can hear it almost as good .

Live at Tribeca , Granville St. , Halifax
Friday Jan .30 , And Saturday , Jan.31 , 9:30 pm sharp .
AL Tuck , Lil Orton Hoggett , and Amelia Curran , Wednesday , 28th , Rebecca Cohn
Monday, January 19, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Trouble about recalling everybody is just that . All sorts .
Downtown on a Wednesday night in January is for the lucky . Stand on Argyle street , cozy and spacious and chatty and quiet . You hear talk about hockey and guitars , old concerts and this coming summer . Donstock 4 . 15 paid and a guest list as big . Man , that's life in Halifax in January . Flick yer butt in the gutter James Cook spat in .
Skank William's have rejuvenated my faith in a stage , and a guitar/banjo .
Al Tuck is downstairs asleep . It was a late one .